Ecole doctorale Sciences de l'Ingénierie et des Systèmes

Ressources and contacts

Who should I contact?

Qui fait quoi CDPdL

Directions adjointes


École Centrale de Nantes
Frédéric GRONDIN - Directeur de l'ED SIS
Marie-Line CHAMPIN - Gestionnaire de direction de l'ED SIS

Your registration institution

Nantes Université
Université Gustave Eiffel Email :
Université Angers
Le Mans Université
Centrale Nantes
ESB (Partner institution, enrollment in an accredited degree-granting institution is also required)

Doctoral students' associations on your sites

Nantes site

The LOGIN association brings together young researchers in Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies (ICST) in Nantes: Master 2 research students in computer science, doctoral students, ATERs and post-doctoral students. Its main aims are to encourage exchanges between young researchers, circulate information of interest to them and take part in the life of the organisation (lab, doctoral school, university, etc.). It also organises social, scientific and cultural activities.

Activities :
  • Through the mailing list and the Discord server, young researchers can ask questions, exchange information and share their knowledge. Programming questions, administrative information, meeting announcements or other more trivial matters: these methods of communication provided by the association are much appreciated.
  • Quite often, young researchers have no idea what their colleagues are doing. That's a shame, because it can be interesting. That's why the "Demi-Heure des Doctorants-e-s" was born: scientific presentations by and for young researchers.
  • Organising a variety of socio-cultural and scientific activities.
  • Promoting inter- and intra-laboratory exchanges between young researchers.
  Missions :
To unite and represent doctoral students at École Centrale de Nantes in order to share their respective experiences and develop a team spirit among doctoral students. The ACDC also provides a link between doctoral students and the school's various structures.
E-mail :
ADUGEN is an association that aims to bring together all the doctoral students on the UGE Nantes research campus.
The aim is both to facilitate exchanges between each student, as with the "doctoral student café" every Wednesday at 1pm, and to offer them a quick and efficient means of transmitting information (whatsapp group: ADUGEN) so that they can keep abreast of campus life (events organised by ADUGEN, administrative information, etc.).

E-mail :
Anim' Tes Docs (ATD) association, created in 2014, aims to create a space for exchanges between PhD students and young researchers at the ONIRIS National Veterinary Food and Agriculture School in Nantes.

We are committed to organizing, disseminating and participating in scientific and social events in order to strengthen our members' spirit of cohesion and facilitate mutual aid. Our activities consolidate inter-laboratory relations not only within ONIRIS, but also on a regional, national and international scale.

One of our main objectives is to form a network to facilitate professional career.

Contact information :
E-mail :
Other links :

Angers site

Created in 2020, ADDE aims to welcome, advise, inform and create cohesion and meeting places for foreign PhD students. ADDE is also involved in scientific events supported by the SIS Doctoral School. ADDE organized the 1st edition of the Colloque Interdisciplinaire des Doctorant.e.s, an annual meeting where interdisciplinary themes are discussed and special sessions are devoted to improving the welcome and combating the isolation of doctoral students, particularly foreign doctoral students at the University of Angers. The 2021 edition was devoted to "Scientific productivity through the prism of COVID-19. Access to research sites in times of crisis".
ADDE is also committed to popularizing the work of doctoral students. The association takes part in events such as Nuit des Chercheurs (Researchers' Night), Campus-Day and co-directs a radio program on Radio-campus Angers, where doctoral students can promote and popularize their work. A doctoral student guide has also been created by the association to help new arrivals with administrative formalities and integration.
Contact information : 
linkedin :  ADDE Association des Doctorant.e.s Étranger.e.s
Instagram : association_adde
Adresse :  5 bis boulevard Lavoisier, 49100 Angers.

Le Mans site

  • ADOUM (Association des Doctorant.e.s de l'Université du Mans) contact mail

The aim of the association is to encourage meetings between doctoral students at the University of Le Mans. The association is also dedicated to scientific dissemination, enabling doctoral students to present their work. To combine these two missions, ADOUM organizes regular events at the university (Café Thèse) and outside (Thésard-es au bar). We look forward to seeing many of you there!

Contact information :

E-mail :
Serveur discord :
Agenda :


SIS Doctoral School Council decision

SIS Council Members

Records of decisions are published once they have been validated by the ED SIS Board.

Conseil du 19 octobre 2022 → HERE ← A noter que ce Conseil s'est tenu en l'absence de membres élus pour les doctorant.e.s (élections le 29 novembre 2022)

Conseil du 12 décembre 2022 (En visio → HERE ←)

Conseil du 6 février 2023 →HERE←
Conseil du 6 juin 2023→HERE←
Conseil du 26 septembre 2023 →HERE←
Conseil du 28 novembre 2023 →HERE←
Conseil du 13 février 2024 →HERE← (to come after approval by the following Board)
Conseil du 23 mai 2024 →HERE← (to come after approval by the following Board)
Conseil du 24 septembre 2024 →HERE← (to come after approval by the following Board)

2023 Thesis defense

2024 Thesis defense

Mis à jour le 16 October 2024.