Ecole doctorale Sciences de l'Ingénierie et des Systèmes
08 June 2023

ED SIS Seminar

The 2024 seminar is only open to doctoral students who have registered for their first thesis
between January 1 and December 31, 2022.

This mandatory two-day event gives doctoral students the opportunity to present their research topic to a jury and an audience that is not necessarily specialized in the field of research (other doctoral students, researchers and teacher-researchers from the units).

Each year, more than 100 presentations contribute to the success of this meeting.

Attending these days is highly recommended for other doctoral students, especially first-year students, who have the opportunity to open up to the different thematic areas covered by the ED and to stimulate their scientific curiosity and open-mindedness.

  •     Each exchange, in French or in English, will last 25 minutes

    •         15 minutes to present successively :

      •                 the general context of the preparation of the thesis (location, financing...)

      •                 the presentation of the problematic and the methods used,

      •                 at least one slide of bibliography with references from your lab and from outside,

      •                 the presentation and analysis of the results already obtained,

      •                 the scientific production achieved and to come,

      •                 the current situation in relation to the objectives set,

      •                 any problems encountered,

      •                 the current and future valorization of the thesis work, the scientific production (publications and communications),

      •                 the definition of the professional project.

    •        10 minutes for discussions between the doctoral student and the audience.

Mis à jour le 12 April 2024.