ED SIS Seminar
More info for 2025→SOON←
This mandatory two-day event gives doctoral students the opportunity to present their research topic to a jury and an audience that is not necessarily specialized in the field of research (other doctoral students, researchers and teacher-researchers from the units).Each year, more than 100 presentations contribute to the success of this meeting.
Attending these days is highly recommended for other doctoral students, especially first-year students, who have the opportunity to open up to the different thematic areas covered by the ED and to stimulate their scientific curiosity and open-mindedness.
Each exchange, in French or in English, will last 25 minutes
15 minutes to present successively :
the general context of the preparation of the thesis (location, financing...)
the presentation of the problematic and the methods used,
at least one slide of bibliography with references from your lab and from outside,
the presentation and analysis of the results already obtained,
the scientific production achieved and to come,
the current situation in relation to the objectives set,
any problems encountered,
the current and future valorization of the thesis work, the scientific production (publications and communications),
the definition of the professional project.
10 minutes for discussions between the doctoral student and the audience.
- You can have a look to the previous sessions summaries
- 2023 seminar →HERE←
- 2022 seminar →HERE←
Welcome meeting
You can find →HERE← the presentation
On this occasion, doctoral students were invited to participate in groups in a climate workshop.
ED SIS presentation to Thesis supervisor
- CVEC fees 2024/2025 : 103 euros
Individual Monitoring Committee (CSI)
Download forms
Each year the PhD student must meet his Individual Monitoring Committee (between April and June).The CSI can also meet at any time
- must be signed by the CSI members even if the interview is carried out by videoconference.
- It is returned to the doctoral school site or download on Amethis by the CSI correspondant (Do not hesitate to ask the ED site direction)
CSI procedure - Nantes Site
Administrative registration at Centrale Nantes →HERE←
Administrative registration at ONIRIS →HERE←
CSI procedure- Angers Site
CSI procedure - Le Mans Site
Step before defence :
1. At least 100 hours of training.Among the trainings
- One training course in scientific integrity and research ethics is mandatory,
- One training course in Open science is mandatory,
3. At least one publication’article 13.4 of the RI details l'Annex 4,
4. The manuscript must be submitted in electronic format along with your defence fil. The manuscript may be written in French or English. If the writing language is English, the doctoral student must also write a substantial abstract in French.
The file before defence concerns your Institution of administrative registration and is different from an institution to another. Please refer to the information given by your institution of administrative registration and ask question to your gestionnaire ED SIS de site.
Defence file for PhD students registered at Université d'Angers →HERE←Contact soutenance @ contact.univ-angers.fr
Defence file for PhD students registered at Université du Mans Contact poledoctoral @ univ-lemans.fr
Defence file for PhD students registered at Centrale Nantes or ESB or AAU Contact pole-doctoral@ec-nantes.fr
Defence file for PhD students registered at Oniris Contact service.dred-doctorat@oniris-nantes.fr
Defence file for PhD students registered at Nantes Université →HERE←Contact theses@univ-nantes.fr