Ecole doctorale Sciences de l'Ingénierie et des Systèmes


2nd Call for mobility

Launch of the call

for applications

Deadline to send

your application to

Provisional date of the

decision of the ED Office

Period of stay of the

doctoral student

June 2024

August 31st, 2024 midnight

Sptember, 2024

January – December 2024

International mobility

The doctoral school has many partnerships with international laboratories, which allows doctoral students to work abroad during their doctorate. This also allows them to learn about new working methods and techniques.


Co-tutelle is a mechanism that allows a doctoral student to complete his or her dissertation while being registered in both a French and a foreign institution. A convention has to be signed before registering in second year.

Mobility during the thesis for short periods

The SIS Doctoral school regularly launches calls for projects to promote international mobility of its doctoral students during their thesis. Please contact your site manager for more information.

Incoming mobility

You are intested to come to France for a research stay, the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research website informs you about the procedure → HERE
Campus France website also informs you about research stay scheme.
Mis à jour le 26 July 2024.